(% burned)

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$WORM Supply: /1,100,000

Buy on Uniswap

The Ever-Consuming $WORM


About SpaceWorm

TheEver Burning, Ever Consuming $WORM

The hungry Space Worm is here to devour everything in the galaxy, his burn rate is high and just like a game of snake, with each meal he gets larger in size, taking away potential meals for his enemies.

Space Worm also has a unique liquidity injection protocol (similar to that of Spiral's) Where the 1% liquidity tax per transaction is injected directly into the $WORM-ETH pool. However, the dump Spiral experiences from injecting only the token is more then negated by the $WORM auto-burn mechanism.

3/4% is automatically burned on all buys/sells, the tokens are removed from existence and the total supply via maths in contract (you can see it live update on etherscan). This helps pump the K Score/Uniswap constant, and value of the token on all transactions.

The maths automation also helps the contract perpetually calculate the max sells, wallet size, fees(burn/liq) and so on.

ETH Pairing - We are using the exact same auto-liquidity method as $SPIRAL except with ETH instead of USDC (for more pump-ability when the market is up), but as partially mentioned above, have managed to enhance even further. This ensures smooth uptrends and exponentially increasing liquidity with the increased padding to survive market fluctuation.

Added the functionality to the contract to renounce individual functions, if needed in future: Delay Timer, Fee Functions, Max Update Functions, Market Maker Pair Changes, Wallet Changes, and Exclude Include Functions. This ensures buyer safety and also gives us opportunity to launch on CEXs for additional growth when the time comes.

Anti Whale/Bot-flip Functionality: (Future adjustable) 3 Minute Sell Delay Timer (wallets cannot sell for 180 seconds after making any transaction).

Contract: 0xF7Ecb2E5ddaD17506E62F51A442f725a26053fb2

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How To Buy

Step 1: SpaceWorm token is available on the Ethereum Network . MetaMask is a third party ERC20 browser wallet, and the very best at that! On Google Chrome, visit metamask.io to download the extension and set up a wallet.

Step 2: Acquire ETH through MetaMask itself or transfer it to your MetaMask wallet address from another wallet (e.g. Coinbase or Binance).

Step 3: You can currently swap ETH and other tokens for SpaceWorm on Uniswap.

Step 4: Enter the amount of ETH you would like to swap for SpaceWorm. Click Swap on Uniswap.

Direct link to Uniswap


2% Max Wallet/Max Buy, 1% Max Sell

Starting Supply

1.1 Million

Buy Tax


Sell tax




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[email protected]

Extra Page

TheGod of Luck, Wealth and Prosperity

Contract: 0xF7Ecb2E5ddaD17506E62F51A442f725a26053fb2

Join the family @ Telegram


02. Concept of Punctuality


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